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Siares Library​​​​

About 20 youth from Siares and surrounding communities spend one or two afternoons each week assisting disadvantaged and abused children with schoolwork and self-esteem.  Many books and learning materials have been donated by UNI teams each year since 2006. Local youth have made many improvements to physical building with funds donated earlier. A local schoolteacher volunteers during hours of operation to allow easy access for learning to the youth of Guadalupe.

La Suana School​​

After  the construction of a new school in La Suana by a German donation, a teacher familiar with UNI's activities in Siares, was transferred there.  Due to the strong relationship with Chris Schrage, a few projects and programs were carried out there.   One of the various donations included water lines from the new water project to each home in the community by Chris Schrage.  Whiteboards and teacher desks were donated for each of the three classrooms.  For three years,  UNI students spent a half day at the school doing handcrafts and listening to student programs.  Games would be played and treats handed out.  The interaction for the young children was greatly appreciated and UNI students learned about the challenges of teaching in such a remote school.

Reforestation - Siares​​

Information to come

Library and Psycho-Social Youth - Guadalupe​​

In 2006, the first University of Northern Iowa student group learned about a program for troubled youth carried out by volunteers.  Some educational materials had been brought along, so some of the books, etc.  was given to the head volunteer of the program. For three or four years after that, student teams then planned an afternoon with the children from Guadalupe.  This included sharing ideas to doing crafts.  In 2007, the student team provided $600 for the renovation of the room in the Guadalupe community center for a library.  Funds were used to put in new windows, stucco the walls, paint the walls and get shelving for books and other educational materials.  Local volunteers carried out the work.  Additional books and materials were added for the next two years.  Eventually the library materials were moved to an elementary school to allow better access for youth to the books for reading. 



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